How to travel alone safely and easily My Travel Tips and tricks Virginie SARACHMAN




I went to London for 2 days with a 20 liter sports bag.

In fact, I have visited Europe and Asia, I rebuilt everything during this trip.

Immediately relearn everything : how to connect, how to talk, find your way in the middle of the night … (thank you Google Maps).

Putting yourself in an emergency and short-term situation is sometimes saving when you have a tendency to think too much …

This is the purpose of the trip.  We forgot that we weren’t made to live in the same place all our lives. We forgot that we had unsuspected survival reflexes and physical and mental resources.

It’s a good experience to test yourself and watch your reactions in emergency situations !

I had everything planned before departure.  

But I just did the opposite !

Why ? Because the hardest part of this journey was leaving.  And that is not necessarily in the instructions manual.

  • Why this travel guide ?
  • What will it be used for ?
  • What is it used for ?
  • Who is he talking to ?

Traveling can be obvious or impossible depending on the person.

When you’ve never traveled in your life like this has been the case for me for a long time, that’s not even possible because you don’t know how to do it, you don’t know where to start, you don’t know how to choose.

We used to plan everything in advance by having all the information. The trip abroad can appear like an abyss, a black hole where everything is dangerous and complicated.

The democratization of networks and the ability to see everything, plan everything and any program from your phone have changed the situation.

Everything is possible today. With little money, one can make long and fruitful journeys. It’s all about the right choices.

I can plan your trip now.

Virginie Sarachman 




  1. How to prepare and organize your trip?
  2. How to travel light?


  1. What is the budget for your trip?
  2. How to manage money while traveling
  3. How to travel for free?


  1. How to stay healthy while traveling?
  2. How to take care of your teeth while traveling 
  3. Mandatory vaccinations 
  4. How to choose your travel insurance?
  5. How to prepare your emergency kit?


  1. How to choose your destination?
  2. How to choose the best means of transport?
  3. How to book the cheapest flight?
  4. How do I explore a city for the first time?
  5. How to book accommodation?
  6. Best apps for traveling
  7. How to deal with hot weather?
  8. How to deal with rain when traveling?
  9. How to choose the best activities?
  10. How do I choose the best places to eat?
  11. Travel Photography Tips

 84 pages


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