Destinations – PLAN YOUR TRIP Virginie SARACHMAN Fri, 18 Feb 2022 14:14:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Destinations – PLAN YOUR TRIP 32 32 Voyager au Cambodge Fri, 18 Feb 2022 12:10:07 +0000 Voyager au Cambodge Read More »


Le Cambodge est un pays d’Asie du Sud-est aux paysages variés : plaines de basse altitude, delta du Mékong, montagnes et littoral du golfe de Thaïlande.

Comment aller au Cambodge ?

Par avion

Le Cambodge possède deux aéroports internationaux, à Phnom Penh et à Siem ReapLes vols sont assurés principalement par les compagnies régulières Malaysia Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Thai Airways, avec une escale à Kuala Lumpur, Singapour ou Bangkok. Au départ de Paris, il existe un vol direct avec Air France Paris- Phnom Penh.

En bus

Depuis le Laos, la Thaïlande Le Cambodge partage un certain nombre de postes-frontières avec les pays voisins, comme la Thaïlande, le Vietnam et le Laos.

Quel visa pour le Cambodge ?

Vous pourrez obtenir un visa pour 30 jours à entrée unique pour 30 Usd.Que faire au Cambodge ?Vous avez plusieurs endroits touristiques à visiter au Cambodge :

Phnom Penh, la capitale, abrite le Marché central art déco, le Palais royal et les expositions historiques et archéologiques du Musée national du Cambodge.

A Siem Reap, dans le nord-ouest du pays, les touristes se pressent pour admirer temple d’Angkor.

Sianoukville, était une station balnéaire autrefois encore sauvage, très appréciée des touristes pour cette raison, mais dont l’industrialisation fait fuir les backpacker et attire une clientèle plus fortunée et citadine.

Que voir au Cambodge ?

Les temples d’Angkor à Siem Reap Le Mékong. Ce fleuve peut être visité dans des bateaux qui assurent des croisières spéciales.

Que manger au Cambodge ?

Vous allez trouver tous les plats qui vous conviennent au Cambodge.Cuisine plutôt locale etnrees abordable au niveau prix, vous aurez l’embarras du choix !

Ou se loger au Cambodge ?Se loger au Cambodge est relativement peu cher. Ce qui permet d’avoir un budget confortable.

Voulez vous visiter le Cambodge et disposer d’un plan de voyage ?

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Paris – France Sat, 13 Nov 2021 13:04:55 +0000 Paris – France Read More »

#France #Paris #eiffeltower #arcdetriomph #sacrecoeur #chateaudeversailles #museedulouvre #museerodin #europe #europetrip #aroundtheworld #exploringtheworld


Paris is the capital and most populous city of France, with an estimated population of 2,150,271 residents as of 2020, in an area of 105 square kilometres (41 square miles).

Since the 17th century, Paris has been one of Europe’s major centres of finance, diplomacy, commerce, fashion, science and arts.

How to get there ?

Surrounded by 3 airports from less than 1 hour of the center with trains and subways, everything is easy to reach and visit in few hours.

Where to stay

Many options from 20 to 100 for a confortable trip.

What to do ?

Paris is a beautilful museum for tourists, that’s why you will enjoy the visits of the main historic monuments and attractions, taste the french food with the possiblity to do almost everything by foot.

What to see ?

Paris is a beautiful town with a lot of historic monuments and museums.
You will have the choice for sure.

  • Eiffel tower
  • Arc de triumph
  • Sacre coeur
  • Chateau de Versailles

Musee du Louvre

What to eat ?

Taste the typical french food :
Cafe croissant for breakfast

Do you want to visit Paris and have a travel planning to do so ?

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Camdodia Fri, 21 Feb 2020 07:28:43 +0000

Cambodia is a Southeast Asian nation whose landscape spans low-lying plains, the Mekong Delta, mountains and Gulf of Thailand coastline.

Phnom Penh, its capital, is home to the art deco Central Market, glittering Royal Palace and the National Museum’s historical and archaeological exhibits. In the country’s northwest are the ruins of Angkor Wat, a massive stone temple complex built during the Khmer Empire.

Siemp Reap

Siem Reap, a resort town in northwestern Cambodia, is the gateway to the ruins of Angkor, the seat of the Khmer kingdom from the 9th–15th centuries. Angkor’s vast complex of intricate stone buildings includes preserved Angkor Wat, the main temple, which is pictured on Cambodia’s flag. Giant, mysterious faces are carved into the Bayon Temple at Angkor Thom.

Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s busy capital, sits at the junction of the Mekong and Tonlé Sap rivers. It was a hub for both the Khmer Empire and French colonialists. On its walkable riverfront, lined with parks, restaurants and bars, are the ornate Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda and the National Museum, displaying artifacts from around the country. At the city’s heart is the massive, art deco Central Market.
Kampot and Kep
Kampot is a city on the Preaek Tuek Chhu River in southern Cambodia. It’s known for its pepper plantations and salt fields. Many buildings date from the colonial period, including the Governor’s Mansion. The house is now the Kampot Museum, which has exhibits on the city’s history. To the west, Preah Monivong Bokor National Park has a cool climate with forests, waterfalls and wildlife including gibbons and big cats.


Bokor National Park

Kep Beaches

Kep is a coastal province in southern Cambodia, known for its seafood and tropical islands. The relaxed provincial capital of Kep, or Krong Kaeb, has wide streets with crumbling villas that recall its former glory as a French colonial resort town. Kep Beach has calm waters and a promenade with large statues, while vendors line the waterfront at the nearby crab market.


Sihanoukville, also known as “Kampong Som”, is a coastal city in Cambodia and the capital of Sihanoukville Province, at the tip of an elevated peninsula in the country’s south-west on the Gulf of Thailand.
