I plan your trip !

As a travel planner, I will prepare you the best travel program based on your budget and requirements.

I will select for you the best options and informations with the links to allow you to book by yourself.

Please note that I’m not a travel agent who book flight and rooms with a commission.
I’m a travel planner, that means that I will provide expert advices based on my own experiences and knowledges.

More precisely :

I plan your trip in Europe and Asia depending on your requirements and conditions.
• I suggest you the best destination based on your budget and duration
• I find for you the best season to book a flight at the best price
• I select for you a place to stay depending on you travel mode : backpacker, modern travel,
• I plan your trip depending on the purpose of your travel : retreat, honey moon, long trip, work project
• I select for you the best activities for your budget
• I will prepare for you a memo to help you to prepare your trip in the more peaceful way : how to pack, what to bring, papers, insurance…
• You could also subscribe to completementaries services to help you if needed to be guided on the spot
In this case, you could reach me by messenger and whatsapp at any time.